
Sunday, June 7, 2009

Pak To wif Kwonki... xD

Jz back from PakTo wif kwonki at Leisure Mall =P..
No , Just kidding..
Watched Terminator Salvation with him..
The movie is great..
Wicked special effects..
But i think that Terminator 3 was better lol.
And the movie poster on top..
Its actually an Optical Illusion lol..
Look carefully,its a birds-eye view of a city..
2 Place with fire makes up the eye..
After watching,went to Kwonki mom's shop
Bought DecaSports,wanted to try out badminton on Wii..
Then when he fetch me back..
On his car..
Someone called him..
They talk.
We talked

Reached home,blogged on my Mac~ 

Loggin' off ~

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